Dreamwidth RPer
Mod @ farawayplace
Active Muses

Ash Ketchum
Ten years old and hailing from Pallet Town, he and his trusty partner Pikachu travel across the land, searching far and wide for new adventures, new challenges, and new friends to connect with. He aims to become a Pokemon Master.
Currently: Faraway Place, Memes & PSLs
Riku Asakura
Orphaned at birth, Riku was unaware of his alien origins and lived his life as a normal human for nineteen years. But after a kaiju destroyed his home, Riku met a fateful encounter with an AI unit and soon learned of his true identity — that he's in fact an Ultraman, and also the son of the villainous dark giant Ultraman Belial. Fueled by his desire to become a hero, Riku makes use of his latent abilties to protect his home as Ultraman Geed.
Currently: Memes & PSLs

Luke fon Fabre
A brash and self-centered young nobleman from the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear. After being kidnapped in his childhood, he gained amnesia and was forcefully confined in his manor home to recover for seven years. But then he was whisked away by an unknown power, leading Luke to face the outside world for the first time.And then his demeanor changes when he caused a horrific tragedy, followed by learning of the truth of his past. Though Luke spirals into depression, through the help and support of his friends that he is able to change his ways for the better.
Currently: Memes & PSLs

A Faraway Place
Head Mod
A Pokemon-centric dressing room set in the fictional region of Ultern where characters are suddenly drifted into this mysterious world.
Roleplay Preferences
Platonic / Light Romance
Hurt / Comfort
Cross-canon / Cross-medium
Backtagging — There will be times I will take so much time on thinking of a reply. Thank you for your patience. ;w;
Fourth-Walling — Depends on the muse though!
Threadjacking — Depending on the situation, but yes go for it!
Timezone: GMT +8
For any RP-related requests or concerns, you can reach out to me via the links on the left. You may also request for my Discord if you're more comfortable there.